
Rafiul Islam World

MERN Stack Developer and App Developer

Hi,I am Rafiul Islam.I am currently learning HTML,CSS,Javascript.I want to learn React ,React Native,Node JS.I want to work hard for my dreams.I want achieve my dream at any cost.I am learning many things this year.I will learn more things if possible

Rafiul Islam

Dream Big

Become a web developer

I have learnt Html,Css already.I have basic knowledge of Javascript.I want to learn more about Javascript.I will also learn React,React Native And Node JS.I want to be a full stack developer.



Full Stack Developer

2021-Present|Pro Level Developer

I have enough skill of HTML,CSS and JavaScript.I know almost everything needed to make a beautiful website.I didn't stop with the web. I have learnt more about Javascript frameworks.I even know the deployment ,server security.I will give you 100% web solution.I want to work more with frameworks.I can make beautiful websites and mobile applications

Baby Web Developer

2021-22|Programming Hero Learner

They didn't offer me a job.But i made myself as a remote web developer.I am dedicated to my work.I will work as needed.